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Monday, February 27, 2012

Hindu Predictive Astrology

Hindu Predictive Astrology
(Paperback) by B. V. Raman

Book Summary of Hindu Predictive Astrology

Table of Contents

    I. Necessity for the Study of Astrology
    II. The Zodiac and the Solar System
    III. Hindu Time Measure
    IV. Planets, Signs and Constellations
    V. Peculiarities of the Zodiacal Signs
    VI. Astrological terminology
    VII. Planetary Strengths and Avasthas
    VIII. Hindu Method of Casting the Horoscope
    IX. Western Method of Horoscope Casting
    X. The Shadvargas
    XI. On birth Verification and Rectification
    XII. Dasas and Bhuktis (Periods and sub-periods)
    XIII. On Aspects
    XIV. Ayurdaya or Longevity
    XV. Marakas or Death Inflicting Planets
    XVI. Judgement of a Horoscope
    XVII. Key-Planets for Each Sign
    XVIII. Results of Ascending Signs
    XIX. Judgement of Bhavas (Houses)
    XX. Some Speacial Yogas
    XXI. Planets in Different Bhavas or Houses
    XXII. Planets in Different Rasis or Signs
    XXIII. Characteristics of the Signs and Planets
    XXIV. Results of Dasas and Bhuktis
    XXV. Source and Nature of Death
    XXVI. The Ashtakavarga System
    XXVII. Prasna sastra or Horary Astrology
    XXVIII. Unknown Birth Times
    XXIX. Medical Astrology
    XXX. Female Horoscopy
    XXXI. Mundane Astrology
    XXXII. Muhurtha or Election
    XXXIII. Annual Horoscopes
    XXXIV. Gocharaphala or Results of Transits
    XXXV. Practical Horoscopes
    XXXVI. Drekkanas (Decanates) and Stellar Influences

Appendix A – Calculation of the Ayanamsa
Table I-Oblique Ascension Table for places in 0 to 60 N. Lat.
Table II-Daea Bhukti Tables
Table III-Proportionl Parts for Dasas of Planets
Table IV-Ayanamsa (1891 to 1980 A.D.)
Index of Technical Terms.

A Manual Of Hindu Astrology

A Manual Of Hindu Astrology
(Paperback) by B. V. Raman

Book Summary of A Manual Of Hindu Astrology

Table of Contents

    Foreword by Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao
    Preface to the First Editor
    Preface to the Sixteenth Edition
    Author s Instruction
    Chapter – 1 The Zodiac and the Planetary System
    Chapter – II Preliminaries Explained
    Chapter – III The Ayanamsa
    Chapter – IV Rasimanas
    Chapter – V Sunrise and Sunset
    Chapter – VI Measures and Conversion of Time
    Chapter – VII Graha Sphutas
    Chapter – VIII Langa Sphuta
    Chapter – IX Dasama Bhava Sphuta
    Chapter – X Bhava Sphutas
    Chapter – XI Casting the Horoscope according to the Western Method and its Reduction to the Hindu The Shodasavargas
    TABLE I-Charakhandas (1* to 60* N. Lat.)
    TABLE II-Terrestrial Latitudes and Longitudes
    TABLE III-Equation of Time
    TABLE IV-Table of Standard Times
    TABLE V-Sunrise and Sunset
    TABLE VI-Lords of Vargas
    An Index of Technical Terms

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Light On Life: An Introduction To The Astrology Of India

Book Summary of Light On Life: An Introduction To The Astrology Of India
(Paperback) by Hart Defouw, Robert Svoboda

Light on Life brings the insight and wisdom of Indian astrology to the Western reader.
Jyotish or Indian astrology is an ancient and complex method of exploring the nature of time and space and its effect upon the individual. Formerly a closed book to the West, the subject has now been clarified and explained by Hart deFouw and Robert Svoboda, two experts and long-term practitioners. In Light on Life they have created a complete and thorough handbook that can be appreciated and understood by those with very little knowledge of astrology.
Jyotish states that by considering the state of the cosmos when an event occurs, we can begin to understand its nature—and to prepare an appropriate response. Although there are similarities with Western astrology there are also profound differences. Jyotish is, above all, infused with the religious, psychological and physical spirit of India. This comprehensive and enlightening book on the subject will prove a necessity to every astrologer or student of Indian thought.


Book Summary of Astrology
(Hardcover)by R. S. Raman

"Astrology for the Millions" should be one of your first basic books if you want to study astrology. And you do not need a computer to have your chart drawn. This book contains all the tables you need so you can go ahead. Not only the descriptions of the planets through the signs are revealing, the planetary phases (obscure period, periods of public rise, consolidation etc...) and transiting phases are a must know. In "Astrology for the Millions" you will find information that you will not find easily in other books. A clear, simply-stated exposition of astrology, free of all the mumbo jumbo about "dark men" and "dangers of accidents on long journeys" which too often characterizes such works. With the help of this book the reader will discover his basic traits, his best possibilities, his capabilities, his attitudes and opportunities in love, marriage, business, travel and every other department of life. So hasten to get your copy of this one!

The Manual of Astrology, the Standard Work

The Manual of Astrology, the Standard Work
(Paperback) by Sepharial
Publisher: astrology center of america (Sep 2010)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tantrik Astrology: A Manual of Sidereal Astrology

Book Summary of Tantrik Astrology: A Manual of Sidereal Astrology
(Paperback)by Michael Magee

The first-ever manual of Tantrik Astrology, which differs from the kind of astrology you see in newspaper columns in two ways. First, its analysis is based on the actual position of the planets and stars. Due to irregularities in the movements of the earth (precession), many people's sun signs have been wrongly calculated. You might find you have a completely new astrological identity in the Tantrik system described in this book. Secondly, and more importantly, it alerts us to the whole purpose of astrology. That is, to start the process of deconditioning from the individual's fixed mind-set as laid down at birth in the wheel of time, or Kalachakra.

Numerology: The Romance in Your Name

Book Summary of Numerology: The Romance in Your Name
(Paperback)by Juno Jordan

Book features numbers / names and how they relate to life and love.


Book Summary of Numerology
(Paperback)by Daniel Heydon

The secret to our destiny lies in the numbers. With the more than 500 fascinating pages on the theory and practice of numerology packed into this little powerhouse, anyone can become an expert on the subject. Like astrology, numerology is based on birth date, but it uses names, too. Each letter of the alphabet has a matching number (from 1 to 9), and that's where the illumination begins. Seekers will enjoy a new understanding of their numerological fortunes, including the Soul Urge, which motivates our actions; the Quiet Self, which reveals our inner desires; and The Expression, which explains how to accomplish our goals. Like every Little Giant, this entry presents an extraordinary amount of information in a convenient format, with dozens of charts, tables, and graphs.

Numerology: With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology

Book Summary of Numerology: With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology
(Paperback)by Harish Johari

For the first time, a Tantric scholar and expert in the Hindu traditions of Ayurveda and astrology presents a system of numerology that combines numerical calculations, astrological data, and an analysis of body type. He illustrates the Vedic Square and the visual patterns that can be derived from it, casting a revealing light on the more esoteric interpretations of numbers and their relationship to one another. Recommendations are given regarding strong and weak periods of day or year, favorable colors and precious stones to be worn, and meditations and mantras to be practiced for health and prosperity.

Explains how to determine the psychic number, name number, and destiny number; how these numbers relate to each of the nine planets, and how they apply to every aspect of life--including personality, temperament, intelligence, talents, sexuality, spirituality, finances, travel, and health.

Numerology With Tantra, Ayurveda, And Astrology: A Key To Human Behavior

Book Summary of Numerology With Tantra, Ayurveda, And Astrology: A Key To Human Behavior
(Paperback)by Johari Harish

In this book, Numerology With Tantra,
Ayurveda, Astrology, a full section is devoted to each number, its attributes, and
its corresponding planet, deity and mantra. Based on your dominant number(s),
recommendations are given regarding strong and weak periods of the day or year,
favorable colors and precious stones to be worn, and meditations to be
practiced for health and prosperity.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Zodiac Signs

1. Aries (Ruler Mars) - like adventure, love freedom, aggressive
2. Taurus (Ruler Venus) - like luxury, very obstinate, artistic
3. Gemini (Ruler Mercury) - like company, restless, versatile
4. Cancer (Ruler Moon) - like home life & tradition, emotional
5. Leo (Ruler Sun) - Royal, warm hearted, generous
6. Virgo (Ruler Mercury) - Analytical, cautious, intelligent
7. Libra (Ruler Venus) - Like beauty & enjoyment, peace loving
8. Scorpio (Ruler Mars) - Mystic, obstinate, Competitive
9. Sagittarius (Ruler Jupiter) - Bold, Practical, leader
10. Capricorn (Ruler Saturn) - Like secrecy, self made, discreet
11. Aquarius (Ruler Saturn) - Innovative, individualistic, idealist
12. Pisces (Ruler Jupiter) - Creative, Sensitive, imaginative

By Rajnish Singh

Astrology And Law of Karma

Astrology And Law of Karma

Whatever Karma(Action) we have done in past, it’s fruits we are getting in present.
Whatever Karma(Action) we do in present, it’s fruits we will get in future.
That is the Law Of Karma(Action) and nobody can escape from it.
Otherwise we get happiness or sorrow, riches or poverty, according to our accumulated Good(Punya) or Bad(Evil) Karma balance of our previous birth. Same thing applied to our birth charts and planets present in them. According to our Past Karma, good or bad planets present in our birth charts and give us malefic or benefic results according to our accumulated good or bad karma. We can mitigate or propitiate our bad or evil planets at some extent but we can’t change our destiny.
If our Good(Punya) Karma’s balance is substantial then we can get solution of our problems easily and remedies work fully in favour of us.
If our Bad (Evil) Karma’s balance is high then it can be difficult to get solutions of our problems easily and remedies do not work fully in favour of us. Then we have to try remedial measures again & again for a long time! 
In all worst conditions only God can help us and we should try to take advice & guidance from Guru, Sage, Seer’s and expert Astrologer.
At present we are enjoying our previous-birth balance! Pray to God, respect Guru, Saints & Elders and Serve Human Beings, Parents & Love Youngers For Good Future !
So always try to perform Noble deeds in your life to make your future happy, prosperous and blessed.
Live and Let Live.

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